WTF! … [Continue reading] about Where did the snow come from??
Bruce Springsteen.. um Tom Jones… David Hasselhoff??
After watching the superbowl half-time show, one of my friends commented that Bruce was starting to look like Tom Jones: "wondering if anyone else thought that Bruce Sprinsteen looked a leeeeeetle too much like a creepy Tom Jones lookalike?" So, I … [Continue reading] about Bruce Springsteen.. um Tom Jones… David Hasselhoff??
Clearing out some very old cobwebs
Comcast sorry to be blunt, but once again you’ve proved how much you suck
Yesterday afternoon, I was trying to send email but was greeted with a failure notice. I had just done a bunch of updates to my site so I thought maybe I had blocked myself out of my server because I was hitting it a lot. That was not the case. I was … [Continue reading] about Comcast sorry to be blunt, but once again you’ve proved how much you suck
Sitting in 30th St. Station have breakfast & people watching
Blogging for a life: Blog about my opinions and experiences. … [Continue reading] about Sitting in 30th St. Station have breakfast & people watching