Blogging for a life: Blog about my life….my opinions and experiences.
The Summer is Winding Down…
Even though I haven’t written anything for a while (been posting videos) there is really a lot going on… good and bad.
One of the bad things is having to chase a client for payment. They say that is one of the hardest things for small businesses, and you know it is really a pain. Such a waste of time. I mean if you provide a service, you should be paid promptly, or? Anyway, I’m sure it will work out in the end.
This past week has been pretty exciting though. I just signed a new client and I started with evaluating the current status of their web presence. Plus, I am in the process of working out a deal with a potential partner that could bring a good deal of business. [careful don’t want to give anything away ;)]
I have had a bit of a break from soccer. The summer leagues have ended or are winding down (the Lititz league ends this Sunday), so I decided to take a little rest and let the body recover so I’m 100% for the start of the fall season. I’ll be playing outdoor with Berks United again this fall. Coed indoor with my usual team, mens indoor with The Blue Team in the b league and I’m putting a team in the premier league again: FC Blackbird. We have made a few changes and I think we should be able to get the covetted tshirt this time!
I was supposed to head down to the shore this week to visit my dad, but with all the meetings and the new work I decided that this week wasn’t a good time. Plus, I’m going camping with Netzwerk Central PA and Netzwerk Phila. I’m also heading to the shore next week for Labor Day. So, I will definetely get some well needed R&R.
I hope everyone is doing well. The summer is winding down. If you are trying to get a hold of me this weekend I might be in a cell phone void. I’ll try and check my messages a couple of times a day.
I Google Myself
I’ve been posting a lot of videos recently, I’ve just been coming across a lot of them recently. This one is a must see, but if you’re easily offended don’t watch it. You’ve been warned. 😉
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