At Least I’m Not From Jersey
Once a Pennsylvanian, ALWAYS a Pennsylvanian!
About Pennsylvanians:
You’ve never referred to Philadelphia as anything but ‘Philly’ and New Jersey has
always been ‘ Jersey .’
We don’t go to the beach; we go ‘down the shore.’
You refer to Pennsylvania as ‘PA’ (pronounced Pee-Ay).
How many other states do that??
‘You guys’ (or even ‘youze guys’, in some places) is a
perfectly acceptable reference to a group of men and women.
You know how to respond to the question ‘Djeetyet?’ (Did you eat yet?)
You learned to pronounce Bryn Mawr, Wilkes-Barre , Schuylkill , T amaqua, Kutztown, T unkahannock, Bala Cynwyd, Duquesne, Monongahela and Conshohocken.
And we know Lancaster is pronounced Lank-ister, not Lan-kaster.
You know what a ‘Mummer’ is, and are disappointed if you can’t catch at least highlights of the parade.
At least five people on your block have electric ‘candles’ in all or most of their windows all year long.
You know what a ‘State Store’ is, and your out-of-state friends find it incredulous that you can’t purchase liquor at the mini-mart.
Words like ‘hoagie,’ ‘crick,’ ‘chipped ham,’ ‘dippy eggs’, ‘sticky buns,’ ‘shoo-fly pie,’ ‘lemon sponge pie’, ‘pierogies’ and ‘pocketbook’ actually mean something to you. (By the way, that last one’s PA slang for a purse!)
You not only heard of Birch Beer, but you know it comes in several colors.
You know the difference between a cheese steak and a pizza steak sandwich, and you know that you also can’t get a really good one anywhere outside of the Philly area. (Except maybe in Atlantic City on the boardwalk)
You know that Blue Ball, Intercourse, Paradise, Climax, Bird-in-Hand, Beaver, Virginville, Sinking Spring, Jersey Shore, State College, Washington Crossing, Jim T horpe, King of Prussia, Wind Gap, and Slippery Rock are all PA towns … and the first three were consecutive stops on the old Reading RR! (PS – T hat’s pronounced Redd-ing.)
You can identify drivers from New York , New Jersey , Maryland or other neighboring states by their unique and irritating driving habits.
A traffic jam in Lancaster County is 10 cars waiting to pass a horse-drawn carriage on the highway. (And remember …that’s Lank-ister!)
You know several people who have hit deer more than once.
Driving is always better in winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
As a kid you built snow forts and leaf piles that were taller than you were.
Smoking Ban in PA to Start Thursday, September 11, 2008
Finally Pennsylvania has come out of the cloud and bans smoking in public places.
I used to think that a smoking ban wasn’t right. Why should the government be allowed to mandate someones personal choice. A lot of places have been going smoke free on their own will, and I have really seen how great it is to be able to go out and not come home smelling like an ashtray. If my clothes and hair smell that bad, do you really think that it’s not getting in my lungs too? The fact is when people smoke in public places bars, restaurants, clubs offices, etc… They are making a choice for me. Second hand smoke can hurt you too, and to not admit that is a show of ignorance. Hey, if you want to smoke that’s your choice, but don’t hurt me because of your habit.
It has taken PA far too long to pass this bill. Many countries around the world have passed laws to ban smoking long before us: Italy, Germany, France Here’s a list of smoking bans around the world. I mean if all these countries can do it, we certainly can too.
Thank goodness we are finally there.. hopefully there are not too many caveats that will weaken the law.
For more info check out the PA Dept. of Health site about the law: Clean Indoor Air ACT
The New Kid on the Block: Chestnut Hill Cafe
So, I’m sitting in the new Cafe on Chestnut St called Chestnut Hill Cafe for the second time, and I’m quite impressed. It’s situated on the corner of N. Pine and West Chestnut St. Since I work for myself and I can do my work anywhere. (one of the main reasons I started my company, btw.) I had a meeting this morning so I thought I would stop here for lunch and do some work.
The food is quite good although the menu is still quite limited. So far I have had their roast reef and mozzarella paninis both with mixed greens on the side. You have a choice of the greens or chips. Trying to eat healthy I went with the salad. The paninis were quite good. Not quite as good as my favorite ones at the Greek place in Munich, but definitely good. The mozzarella definitely reminded me of the Greek’s. The cafe itself is quaint with a variety of seating; Small area with cushy leather chairs in front of a fireplace, typical cafe two tops, a couple of small tables for if you just want to stand while you have your coffee and there is also some bar type seating in the front. There is also outside seating with umbrellas.
They use a lot of organic and fair trade ingredients including their coffee, which by the way definitely competes with any other coffee in the city. Both the food and drink menu are a bit limited since they just opened, but they say they will be adding more items quite soon.
For me it’s a great way to break up my day and a good alternative to other locations in the Lancaster, and a welcome change from the big chains. Plus they have free wireless, a must for nomadic business people like me and the best thing… in the maybe 6-8 hours that I’ve been here doing work, the wireless has never dropped out.