Finally Pennsylvania has come out of the cloud and bans smoking in public places.
I used to think that a smoking ban wasn’t right. Why should the government be allowed to mandate someones personal choice. A lot of places have been going smoke free on their own will, and I have really seen how great it is to be able to go out and not come home smelling like an ashtray. If my clothes and hair smell that bad, do you really think that it’s not getting in my lungs too? The fact is when people smoke in public places bars, restaurants, clubs offices, etc… They are making a choice for me. Second hand smoke can hurt you too, and to not admit that is a show of ignorance. Hey, if you want to smoke that’s your choice, but don’t hurt me because of your habit.
It has taken PA far too long to pass this bill. Many countries around the world have passed laws to ban smoking long before us: Italy, Germany, France Here’s a list of smoking bans around the world. I mean if all these countries can do it, we certainly can too.
Thank goodness we are finally there.. hopefully there are not too many caveats that will weaken the law.
For more info check out the PA Dept. of Health site about the law: Clean Indoor Air ACT
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