To stay on top of the ever-changing advertising landscape, you need to stay on top of the latest trends. Ask yourself, what can cat videos do for your business
Happy Anniversary Germany – Germany Celebrates 21 Years Since Reunification
Today is a national holiday in Germany: Tag der Deutschen Einheit or German Unity Day. It is the celebration of the reunification of Germany after it was divided at the end of World War II. The division and the Berlin wall were both symbols of the cold war. As the Soviet Union and the Eastern Block crumbled so did the government in East Germany. The opening of boarders in Eastern Europe led to the Berlin wall coming down and the Reunification in 1990.
Today is the 21st anniversary of the reunification and Germany is celebrating:
Deutschland feiert 21 Jahre Wiedervereinigung Deutschland
Germany Celebrates 21st Reunification Anniversary
Even Google’s getting in on it.
O’Zapft is – Only One Week Left Oktoberfest 2011
There’s only one week left of the Oktoberfest. Did you make it to Munich this year? In case you missed the opening. Here’s the video of the mayor tapping the first keg.
FC Bayern 3 Bayer Leverkusen 0 (Photos)
US Soccer Goalie is Cool
Thought this would be a good lead into the USA vs. Mexico game.