Opening week of.. for well… all the leagues I play in, it was a week of mixed results. The coed team which continues to be a struggle finding and keeping good players. (Another went down to injury.) Well we lost. I don’t remember what the score was though. Thursday turned out to be much better. The b division team, the Blue Team played probably the best game we’ve ever played and won big 8-4. Then FC Blackbird had a great debut showing by winning more than 10 goals to 4.
Saturday turned out to be the worst of all with Berks United. We won the league the last two years and and this weekend we lost to the worse team in the league. Plus, to ad insult to injury we lost one of our best players to another team because of guy on our team, who by the way has chased others away before. Then that guy quit too. So, I thought problem solved, but it was already too late. Oh, why is there always politics?…