You know sometimes life is weird. You’re planning, moving forward, accomplishing what you want and things are going well. But, still sometimes something creeps up on you and throws things out of whack. Something someone says, a memory or something you see. It doesn’t make any sense, but still you have to stop and think…
The Week in Soccer
Opening week of.. for well… all the leagues I play in, it was a week of mixed results. The coed team which continues to be a struggle finding and keeping good players. (Another went down to injury.) Well we lost. I don’t remember what the score was though. Thursday turned out to be much better. The b division team, the Blue Team played probably the best game we’ve ever played and won big 8-4. Then FC Blackbird had a great debut showing by winning more than 10 goals to 4.
Saturday turned out to be the worst of all with Berks United. We won the league the last two years and and this weekend we lost to the worse team in the league. Plus, to ad insult to injury we lost one of our best players to another team because of guy on our team, who by the way has chased others away before. Then that guy quit too. So, I thought problem solved, but it was already too late. Oh, why is there always politics?…
Humans vs. Ants
Really tired of “SEO Pros” from India friending me on Facebook!!
So, as many of you know I’m on Facebook. I use it for personal and professional reasons. So, I keep getting friend requests from people who work for some company in India. I’m not going to dignify them by giving their name or a link either, because that would just help them. They know who they are! But, anyway… What they do is friend you and if you accept they start chatting with you and throw a bunch of web addresses at you and then start asking for outsourced SEO projects. It’s really agressive and quite frankly annoying! And by the way.. the site is crap. The English on the site is very poor.
I made the mistake, twice now, of accepting the friend request. Dumb I know. The second time was a bit better. The person on the other end could kind understand what I was saying.. I think. The first one’s English was so bad he didn’t know that I was taking the piss out of him… or US English “making fun of him” 😉 …
So, seriously. If you are a self proclaimed “SEO Pro” from India.. don’t waste your time trying to friend me. Got it???
Smoking Ban in PA to Start Thursday, September 11, 2008
Finally Pennsylvania has come out of the cloud and bans smoking in public places.
I used to think that a smoking ban wasn’t right. Why should the government be allowed to mandate someones personal choice. A lot of places have been going smoke free on their own will, and I have really seen how great it is to be able to go out and not come home smelling like an ashtray. If my clothes and hair smell that bad, do you really think that it’s not getting in my lungs too? The fact is when people smoke in public places bars, restaurants, clubs offices, etc… They are making a choice for me. Second hand smoke can hurt you too, and to not admit that is a show of ignorance. Hey, if you want to smoke that’s your choice, but don’t hurt me because of your habit.
It has taken PA far too long to pass this bill. Many countries around the world have passed laws to ban smoking long before us: Italy, Germany, France Here’s a list of smoking bans around the world. I mean if all these countries can do it, we certainly can too.
Thank goodness we are finally there.. hopefully there are not too many caveats that will weaken the law.
For more info check out the PA Dept. of Health site about the law: Clean Indoor Air ACT