Blogging for a life: Blog about my life….my opinions and experiences.
FC Blackbird vs. MC Kickers Championship Game
Thursday May 29th at 7pm FC Blackbird will be playing MC Kickers in the O-30 Premier League final. Check out the event details on Facebook or at the FC Blackbird page.
Come on out and support our team!
Lanco Field House
1901 Miller Road
East Petersburg, PA
This one’s for you John!
So, last week out our game at Lanco Field House (FC Blackbird) we had this ref… I’m pretty sure he normally does youth soccer U-10 or younger. For some reason he had a thing against me. Every time I touched someone he called it on me. I got hip checked and I grabbed the guys shirt to try not and fall over… didn’t work and he called a foul on me. Then every time a guy would receive the ball with his back to me and he would back into me, I would hold my ground.. called against me. Guy knocks me off the ball with with his shoulder… call on me. You see the pattern. The ref was not only after me, but he called a horrible game for both sides. Some of the guys from both teams said that to him after the game. Then the guy starts in on me about “what call did I make that changed the game?” Uh, I didn’t know where to start. He then said that he’s seen me play before and I always play like that, ie dirty. Since apparently everything I do is a foul. Well, I had some choice words for him after that. Probably should have just walked away…
Localization project, Canada, Berks United and FC Blackbird
Busy, busy, busy. I have been working on a localization project that is kicking my butt. I won the project a few months ago as part of a larger project. Then got involved with some other projects and when I came back to this won last week I realized I forgot how big it was. So, I started right away. But, the saying goes. “If it can go wrong it will.” or Murphy’s law… something like that anyway. So, I planned on taking the weekend and banging out a bunch of it. Well, of course I discovered I had a trojan horse on my computer. Perfect! Spent the whole weekend cleaning that up. (I’m not sure it is completely healed actually. Then I discovered that I had to do a bunch of editing on the source file to be able to translate it correctly. Lost more time. So, a week and a half of little sleep and lots of stress. I’m coming down with a cold. What sucks is I’m heading to Canada for a tournament with my outdoor team Berks United early tomorrow. Really don’t need to be sick for a weekend of soccer and drinking. But, I’m a trooper. 😉
I’m excited about heading to our great white neighbor to the north. I haven’t been there for years. Not since Julian and I used to peruse Kingston. 😉 We’re going to London.. not Kingston but it will be great to be back, eh?
Before that though my O-30 Premier League team FC Blackbird has a play off game. We are in first place for regular play, so we play the last place team called Principal. They’re in last but we seem to have trouble with them for some reason. Hopefully we can break that tonight! I want to bring home the championship t-shirts!
Another Annoying Forward: But This One Is Humorous
‘True’ Friendship Enough of that Sissy Crap!
Are you tired of those sissy ‘friendship’ poems That always sound good, But never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises That actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy Little smiley faces on this card – Just the stone cold truth.
1. When you are sad — I will Help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.
2. When you are blue — I will Try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile — I will Know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you are scared — I will rag on you about it every chance I get.
5. When you are worried — I will Tell you horrible stories about How much worse it could be, Until you quit whining.
6. When you are confused — I will Use little words.
7. When you are sick — I will Tell you to stay the hell away from me Until you are well again. I don’t want whatever you have.
8. When you fall – I will Point and laugh at your clumsy ass.
This is my oath…. I pledge it to the end. ‘Why?’ you may ask. ‘Because you’re my friend!’