I love this song. The video is a bit crazy thoough. 😉
Survey shows risky use of mobile e-mail devices.
I’m sure none of us have every texted or emailed while driving.. right???
“Despite such risks, many Americans send and receive text messages on mobile e-mail devices in dangerous situations, according to a survey released on Tuesday that showed 77 percent have used such a device while driving a moving car.”
Check out the full article.
Survey shows risky use of mobile e-mail devices (Reuters) by Reuters: Yahoo! Tech
Biermoesl Blosn – “Bayern”
Live From New York It’s Saturday Night! Will The Real Gov. Palin Please Stand Up!
Media Responsibility in a Time of Crisis
From lingstonbuzz.com
This is a very interesting post. The media loves to use buzz words and hype everything. Their take on the current financial crisis is nothing new. It does however get very tiresome having to sort through the hype for the real story. It is good to see a publication like the Washington Post address this.
“But as the Washington Post reported on Saturday, the sensational headlines were widespread last week. The word crisis was mentioned in headlines 92 times. Fear was used 21 times, and meltdown 15 times. The Post went so far as to question what doomsday words like Bubble and Crash actually mean.”
Read full post: Media Responsibility in a Time of Crisis