Blogging for a life: Blog about my life….my opinions and experiences.
It’s About Time The FCC Checks Into The Practices of Comcast
Comcast has been going on about how if you are a Comcast subscriber you need to update to digital cable because of the transition to digital that is going on for TVs with antennae. This has nothing to do with digital cable. Comcast also keeps whining about internet issues and their infrastructure. See also: Net Neutrality a Letter To Us Senator Arlen Specter Yet they have a virtual monopoly on the cable industry in many parts of the country.
The FCC is finally looking into the pricing structure of the cable industry including Verizon and their FiOS service:
The agency wants to ensure the companies’ customers are getting treated fairly, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said in an interview with The Associated Press.
“I’m certainly concerned with the increasing cable prices that consumers are facing,” Martin said. “They are getting less and being charged the same or more.”
Read the whole article here: FCC to probe pricing policies of cable, Verizon (AP)
German Coat Store
Being a Sheep vs. a Wolf
Where have I been? I’ve been Tweeting!
I haven’t posted much recently partly because I have been using Facebook and Twitter a lot lately. Most of you probably know what Facebook is, but you might be wonder what heck Twitter is…
Well, it’s a free online service that you can post 140 character long updates. Kind of like a status update, things you see or what you’re doing. One of my favorites:
“Just saw random woman walking down biz 222 with a parrot on her shoulder.”
Crazy, but I did actually see that a couple of weeks ago!
You can do a lot of things with these updates. I use it to change my Facebook status. There is an app on Facebook for this. There is supposedly one for MySpace too, but I can’t seem to get it work. Another API I use is from Twitterfeed. This allows me to tweet (the act of postin on twitter) the headlines of my blog posts. I do this for both my personal and business blogs. So, I manually/randomly tweet as well as automatically tweet when TwitterFeed sends my latest blog entries to Twitter. Then this all also updates my Facebook status.
Now, all this isn’t even the most intersting part. Within Twitter people can follow and you can follow other people. That doesn’t mean if I follow you, you have to follow me. However, you shouldn’t just follow people willy nilly. Like anything there should be a reason: ie, they are in the same industry, you know them already.. you get the picture. What it means is you receive updates from the people you are following and vice verse. Right I’m following 25 and actually 25 prople are following me. Two of the people I’m following you may actually know. Lance Armstrong and Guy Kawasaki.
If you and someone else are both following each other you can then have conversations. There is an option to reply to what someone says: @reply. Or you can message them directly. So, what happens is, people have conversations.
You might be asking.. What’s the point? Well, I’m using it as another way to get my company name out there and find like minded people: Entrepreneurs, people interesting in social media, localizaion professionals, freelance translators. To name a few. One of the great things about it is that you can connect with people that you may otherwise never have had the chance to connect with.
You can check me out on Twitter by clicking on the Twitter button on the right side of the page. You can also set up your own account through the button if you don’t have one already.
The next step for me is to set up a central place for all my blog entries, twitter posts and other online activity. I know there are apps out there to do this. I just have to find the right one and get it done!