This is pretty funny, now all I need is an iPad. Haha
Is Customer Service a Dead Art?
I’ve been working on a project for a client where I’m correcting someone else’s errors and omissions. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the work, but I’m amazed at the poor service that the other company has given my client.
The other company (we’ll call them MasterPortal) has a software package that can be integrated into websites. So, essentially a web portal running on their software for the back end. To create the web portal, MasterPortal slapped some aspx code together, crudely mashed it up with my clients current site and said their part was done. My client in turn asked me to make it look good and make it functional. By “functional”, I mean so it can be used the way I imagine MasterPortal said it could be.
Since, I’ve been working with it I found many problems including misspellings, code errors, css errors and generally sloppy design.
The point I’m trying to make here is; I just can’t imagine ever doing something like that. If I’m selling a product to someone I want it to look,feel, and act the way I promised. Sometimes I’m just amazed at how lazy people and companies can be. Plus, what further amazes me is how companies like MasterPortal stay in business.
Oh well, back to serving my client with the best service I can.
If You See This German License Plate, Let Me Know! Number: M R 3190
A about a month ago I washed my car at the Sunshine Car Wash on Manheim Pike, a “soft touch” car wash that was anything but soft. Afterwards I noticed that my original Munich License Plate was missing. Unfortunately I didn’t notice it until after I drove over to the PNC Bank on Fruitville Pike by Kmart. At that point I noticed that the holder was broken and the license plate was gone. I retraced my tracks back to the car wash but did not see the plate anywhere on the road or in the parking lots (PNC, Savemart) where I stopped. I asked at the car wash and walked through to see if was laying in there. We only found the outer portion of the holder that broke off.
I figure either someone from the car wash snatched it up or it fell off on the road and someone picked it up. You can see the numbers in the pictures, but the number is M R 3190. If you see this anywhere please let me know. I would love to have it back. I’ll even give a small reward to whoever returns it. Thanks!
Google Launched New Music Service Today
Google launched their new music service today amid an uproar from music labels: Music Beta by Google What I don’t get is, why do Google/Amazon/Apple need the approval of the music industry for a service to store files. If I buy my music it is my legitimately they are mine right? Then what business is it where I store them. If want to sign up for a service that allows me to use those files across devices and remotely, that’s my business.
The music industry is so scared of any kind of innovation. Every time someone develops a new way to listen to music they start lawyering up to fight the innovation.
Hey music labels, about this. Hire some innovative people to develop services like Google, Amazon and Apple, then you can get a piece of the pie too. Haven’t you learned yet? Innovate or die!
Google TV – Combining TV with the Internet
I’ve heard mixed reviews about Google TV. I read an article on Forbes today that gave a pretty good explanation of what to expect. Basically, it’s an ongoing development. Google releases products that are still in development because they want third parties to develop apps, new advertising and business models as well as other ideas. This is what makes the product. Looking at the Android mobile OS, it was pretty terrible at the start, but since developers have been allowed to create apps based on the OS it has become a true competitor to the iPhone. In fact it is on track to have more users than Apples OS.
I love the idea of Google TV. Microsoft and Apple have been trying to bring the internet into the living room for years without much success. Most of the other TVs that include internet are not full blown internet, but a series of apps limiting access. Even with it’s “under development” status, I think this has the best shot to achieve a seamless combination of the two. I’m seriously considering Google TV as my next TV, but I just hope they make it easy to upgrade as the product develops.