Nicole and I are putting together a site for our wedding. I’ve been working on it today. Definitely looking forward to launching it soon.
Here’s a sneak peek. 😉
Bryan Coe: Digital Marketing, SEO, Analytics, Soccer, Tech & German
A few years ago my business mentor recommended a book to me that I was reminded about in a meeting today. The main premise of the book is Naked Consulting. No, that doesn’t mean taking your clothes off to get business. That’s a different topic. 😉 What it means in business is to be completely open and honest with your clients, Something I try to practice with my clients.
In the conversation today we discussed learning from our clients and really digging in and understanding their business. Many agencies forget this and think that they have to portray to their clients a sense of having all the answers. The problem is since they have all the answers, they often don’t take the time to really understand their clients business and end up pushing their preconceived ideas on clients. This often is not the best fit.
The bottom line is clients are people and people really want honesty and humility. The book outlines three fears that hold people back from gaining and retaining better clients.
Getting Naked is a great read and if you are in the consulting business or any other business for that matter. You should definitely check it out.
*Disclaimer* Click on the image to buy the book. The link to the book is an affiliate link.
It’s the everyday struggles and challenges that make us stronger and prepare us to tackle the life changing opportunities.
What have you “struggled” with today?