I was just reading an article in Fortune Magazine yesterday about how hot the job market for online advertising sales has become. Here's a link to the article: Hot Job: Selling Web Ads I was quite shocked. If read the article you'll see they are … [Continue reading] about Online Advertising Jobs Super Hot
Moving Forward
Wow, I've really been slacking with posting recently. Things have been pretty crazy recently. I'm still waiting on the pics from San Fran. There should be some good one's I'm sure. ;)The biggest news right now is I finally received some seed money … [Continue reading] about Moving Forward
The Love Parade
So, this past weekend I headed out to San Francisco for the Love Parade, or well now it's called the Love Fest. Now, for those of you that don't know it is a Techno, Rave parade/festival. Not what some of you seem to think. Check out the links here … [Continue reading] about The Love Parade
Educate yourself as an entrepreneur
There is an ever growing ideal in business and higher education. "Collaboration and open source" The internet is helping drive this by making it easier to share and access info. A great example of this is Stanford's "Educators Corner". What they've … [Continue reading] about Educate yourself as an entrepreneur
Bayern Baby..Lust auf Bier?
Bayern Baby: "The mother load!!"Blogging for a life: Blog about my life....my opinions and experiences. … [Continue reading] about Bayern Baby..Lust auf Bier?