At a recent conference in California called “Transforming Space”, designers showed their take on space attire. This is an annual conference hosted by the California Space Authority (CSA) and the California Space Education and Workforce Institute (CSEWI). The fashion show was interesting and well… …watch the video, you’ll see what I mean.
How’s that go? When it rains it poors…
Wow, It’s a really exciting time right now. I have hardly had time to blog. Shame on me. 😉 I’ve certainly hit the ground running and things are really starting to role. I already have a number of projects in the working.
Living the Dream
You know some days I just have to stop and marvel. I really am doing what I want to with my life. How many people can really say that??
Bend It Like… Bryan
So i finally broke my goalless streak at the field house. Tonight at our coed game, I took a free kick from about 20 yards out. The other team had a two man wall and G was behind the wall to the left with a guy marking him. The keeper was behind them. I struck the ball with the outside of my right foot and it skimmed across the turf hooking around the wall and weaving past the third defender. Then past the goalie and into the back of the net!
I wish someone had recorded it was pretty goal. I'd like to see it again. 😉
Mobile blogging…
Rocky Balboa
I just finished watching Rocky Balboa. I put it off for a long time, because I couldn’t imagine how they could make another Rocky movie. You know though, I have to admit. I really liked it. Being originally from the Philly area the Rocky movies are always a little bit of home. I mean I grew up on this. Even with my reluctance to watch the movie in the end I felt the excitement just like all the other movies. I wanted to see the underdog from South Philly win!