So here’s the scoop on my new nephew:
Born June 13
Bryan Coe: Digital Marketing, SEO, Analytics, Soccer, Tech & German
There is excitement in the air this morning! My sister Gen went into labor this morning! She was expected to have her baby on the 27th of June, but the little guy had other ideas. 😉 Things got started this morning. I’m just waiting to hear the news.
From e-Life Discussions about Blackbird e-Solutions and the Search, Tech and Localization Industries
Check this out last month I was featured in the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Newsletter!
I joined the chamber last fall and then attended a new members welcome event in January. During the event everyone had to get up and give their 30 second speech about their business. One of the ambassadors for the chamber, Jen Strobel of Superior Wash of PA and Accubright Systems LLC, heard what I had to say and approached me after the meeting. She said she was looking for help with getting found on-line, or Search Engine Optimization. We talked some and she contacted me a few weeks later. As you may have seen in my earlier posts, they are now a client. Afterwards I sent a note to the chamber to thank them and they were so excited about the success of the chamber meeting they decided to do an article about us in the Chamber Newsletter! Check it out here:
Chamber Event Pays Dividends to Three Members
The project with Accubright Systems, LLC is still underway, but you can read about the success we have had with Superior Wash here:
SEO Project a Success for Superior Wash of PA
It’s that time of year again. Sommerfest at Liederkranz! For those of you who have never been there. It is a lot of fun. There is lots of great German food and of course German beer. There’s a German Choir and traditional dancing as well. If you are interested in German culture or you just want to come out and have a good time. Come join me! I will be there from about 7:30 Friday night. Lederhosen optional…
Admission: Adults $5 Children 6-15 $2 — under 5 free.
If you bring a non-perishable food item for the Mt. Joy Food Bank you get $1 off adult admission (limit $1/adult)
Let me know if you want to come.
Check out the link for more info! Program and Menu