Every year the Lord Mayor of Munich declares the Oktoberfest to be officially opened with “It’s tapped!”, as he hammers a tap into the very first keg of Oktoberfest beer.
Es Wieder Wes’n Zeit! (It’s Oktoberfest Time Again)
Tomorrow the 177th Otkoberfest starts at 11am with the traditional parade through Munich to the Theresienwiese the site of the Oktoberfest. Then the official opening is when the Christian Ude the mayor of Munich declares “O’zapft is!” or It’s tapped! as he taps the first Keg in the Schottenhamel-Tent. Check out the official Oktoberfest Website for info. If you want to learn some Bavarian check out The Wiesn-Dictionary
If you’re in Lancaster come join us tonight at the Lancaster Liederkranz to celebrate the annual event.
It’s that time again. The Oktoberfest is almost upon us. Break out your Lederhosen or Dirndl! I’ll be sporting my Lederhosen. Come Join Netzwerk PA and Blackbird e-Solutions at Lancaster Liederkranz to celebrate the annual event.
...O K T O B E R F E S T !
A Celebration of German Music, Food, and Drink!
At the Liederkranz Pavilion
– Open to the Public ~ Rain or Shine –
Entertainment and fun for the whole family!
Click here for an Oktoberfest informational flyer
Musical Entertainment throughout the fest:
Joe Kroboth – Shippensburg Blaskapelle – Heimatklaenge
The Continentals
The admission is $5 for adults $2 for kids
We’ll be meeting inside the entrance at 7pm. If you come late we will have a sign on the table so you can find us. I’ll also try to post something online so you know where we are. I’ll post it to my twitter account too. http://twitter.com/BbeS
Amazing Goals
Check out some of these goals. The touch these guys have is just amazing!
Are Tests Biased Against Students Who Don’t Give A S*%&?
Bayern Falls to Kaiserslautern
Today proved to be a bad day for the Rekordmeister FC Bayern, as they fell to Kaiserslautern in their return season to the 1. Bundesliga. FCK scored two quick goals in less than 2 minutes (Ilicevic 36, Lakic 37) in the first half and then were able to hang on to finish the game 2-0. It’s been a long time since anyone kept Bayern out of the net. They always score at least one goal. But, have no fear FCB fans the is still a lot of season left!