I’m not sure how Microsoft’s new phone is going to “get you in, and get you, and back to life,” but the commercial is pretty cool. I know we have all seen or, well… done some of the stupid things in the ad. Check it out.
Best Goal Photo Ever
David Hasselhoff is Doing Norton Commercials??
Does anyone else think David looks scary in this advertisement? Certainly not Bay Watch material anymore…
Oans, zwoa, g’suffa!
Time to really get the party going. Everyone is warmed up, now let’s do a cheer. You’ll definitely hear this one.
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit, der Gemütlichkeit, Ein Prosit, ein Prosit, der Gemütlichkeit
Oans, zwoa, g’suffa! “One two drink!”
Oans zwoa gsuffa
Now drink!
Live Webcam and Radio from the Oktoberfest Barische Rundfunk
How to order a beer at the Oktoberfest: A Bier, bittschen
Maybe the most important thing to know before you hit the Weis’n. How to order a beer in Bavarian:
A Bier, bittschen – One beer please or a beer please.
Make sure if you just one 1 beer you put up your thumb. If you use your pointer finger they will take it as you want 2. So, thumb up = 1 beer. Pointer finger up = 2 beers. Thumb and pointer finger = 2 beers.