I first saw this cartoon on LinkedIn from Avinash Kaushik, and it really hits home.

I have often been the person standing there pointing out the obvious. “Let’s look at the data to make our decisions.” But it is always amazing to me how few people in business either don’t have the capability or patience to do this. They want to follow “their gut.”
Sadly there are also many marketers that don’t want you to look at the data because they will be exposed to being incompetent, a fraud, or because their initiatives just didn’t work.
Analytics Can Raise a Question of Ethics
When you are responsible for the analytics it becomes an ethical question. Do you expose the data that shows the million-dollar campaign, did nothing? I have always taken what I think is the ethical option… YES. But this then makes you the enemy of whoever was driving the initiative.
Analytics Can be Your Best Tool for Success
The worst part is, it doesn’t have to be that way. If marketers would embrace analytics and data, they will have the chance to correct and save their campaign before they burn through a lot of money with no results. The analytics and data team should be your best friend and involved from the very beginning of every business initiative.