As a lot of people know I work part-time for Google as a rater. Because of the job I come acrooss a lot of strange things. This morning I've been working on a project on the topic, quotes about relationships (remarkably appropriate) Some of the … [Continue reading] about The Games We Play..
Risk Management
Risk Management? No, never heard of it. Can you pass me that wrench.Blogging for a life: Blog about my opinions and experiences. … [Continue reading] about Risk Management
The Apple iRack
The Apple iRackBlogging for a life: Blog about my opinions and experiences. … [Continue reading] about The Apple iRack
A Yvon Chouinard Quote
Found a great quote in Fortune Magazine from Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia."And hopefully America will get a government that we need rather than one we deserve, that will put pressure on business to clean up its act."The quote comes from an … [Continue reading] about A Yvon Chouinard Quote
“There are better ways to make a career.”
A German job site ( recently put up this advertisement over a commuter tunnel in Hamburg with the slogan "There better ways to make career". Turning the tunnel into a giant executive... well, you know what...Blogging for a life: Blog … [Continue reading] about “There are better ways to make a career.”