It looks like Yahoo! is having some sort of trouble today. is not loading and pinging the domain doesn't get a response. Plus Yahoo! Messenger and Mail aren't working either. I wonder if they are experiencing a DOS (Denial of Service) … [Continue reading] about Yahoo! under attack??
iPhone — Industry Breakthrough or Just Another Expensive Gadget?
Do you have your iPhone yet? Is it living up to Steve Jobs' promises? It seems to be getting some pretty good reviews. So, far the biggest concern that I've heard is the speed of the internet connection, but that isn't really the phone but the … [Continue reading] about iPhone — Industry Breakthrough or Just Another Expensive Gadget?
One of the Good Ol’ Boys..
Just another example of how far Bush is willing to go for one of his Good Ol' Boys...Bush spares LIbby from prison"I respect the jury's verdict," Bush said in a statement. "But I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is … [Continue reading] about One of the Good Ol’ Boys..
“Philly is on the Verge” — Fast Company
The Magazine Fast Company recently released it's list of the top cities in the world. They created 4 lists: Fast Cities, Too-Fast Cities, Slow Cities and On The Verge Cities. There's also a great map showing all the cities. Philadelphia is ranked in … [Continue reading] about “Philly is on the Verge” — Fast Company
Camping in Central PA/Zelten im Urwald von zentral Pennsylvanien
I'm off camping for the weekend, with Netzwerk Philly, the German group from Philly. . I hope the rain stops...So, if you don't hear from me by next Monday, it means I was eaten by a bear... or German!Camp SiteBlogging for a life: Blog about my … [Continue reading] about Camping in Central PA/Zelten im Urwald von zentral Pennsylvanien