Blogging for a life: Blog about my life….my opinions and experiences.
If doesn’t brighten your day.. well.. munamana!!
Life is strange…
So, it’s funny how things change so quickly. Two posts ago, I was talking about how good the week was. Then I get to the start of this week…. First I had a nightmare of a Saturday night, which I won’t elaborate on here, but I ended up with no sleep. I was supposed to get some work done on Sunday too, but with no sleep it was impossible and I forgot I was supposed to go to a Hershey Bears game with a bunch of friends. That was a blast, but I was dying because I was supposed to have an open game that night. Unfortunately I wasn’t the only one that was off either. Then after I got out of my game I had a bomb dropped on me via sms (text message)… Then Monday morning followed with a similar email… Then to top it off someone posted to my blog anonymously telling me I should check out what my ex is up to on Facebook, because she is doing so well. To do that I would have to add her as a friend… I don’t think that’s going to happen. I decided to remove the post. I mean if you want to tell me something. Have some guts and email (or text 😉 ) me.. or at least post with a name. Just a bit silly.
At least the day ended with a conversation with a good friend. Hopefully tomorrow will be the start of better things to come. 😉
FC Bayern Muenchen – RSC Anderlecht 1:2
Bayern advances to the UEFA Cup quarter-finals even after losing to RSC Anderlecht at home.
A pretty good week…
Well, this past week has been pretty good. It started with last Friday when I signed a new client. (Blackbird e-Solutions Secures SEO Deal With Accubright Systems, LLC and Superior Wash) Then on Sunday FC Blackbird, the team I entered in the Keystones ended up winning the Bronze. (FC Blackbird wins the bronze at the Keystone Games!) Plus, I might have picked up a new client at the tournament, which was brought on by sponsoring the team. Then Monday our Coed team won. Something that hasn’t happened in a while. Tuesday also had a happy ending. Then last night my Premier team beat a team that we normally lose to. Two of the guys on the team played with us in Keystones. Stupid me decided to stay out late and hang out with the guys. Now I’m beat, but all in all a good week.