I’ve added site feed for my blog. You should see a link over on the right below my profile. I’ve also included links explaining what RSS/Atom Feeds are. There are a ton of readers out there. Personally I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my email and a feed reader is included in the application. If you do a search on “rss feed readers for windows” or “rss feed readers for Mac” or “atom feed readers for windows” or “atom feed readers for Mac” you should find some good ones. You can also at rss/atom feeds in gmail as well as their new Google Reader Here’s some help with gmail. How do I add custom feeds to ‘Web Clips’? The new yahoo mail also has a built in reader. Lot’s of possibilities
To get the address for the feed. Choose either ATOM or RSS. Then you can either right click on the link and copy the link, then paste in your reader, double click and a new window will open. You’ll either get a bunch of code or an error, because your browser probably can’t read it, but you want to copy the address that shows up in the address bar and paste it into your feed reader.
And of course if you have any questions or need some help comment here or email me and I’ll do my best to help.