I’ll prelude this post with… It’s great for those of you that have used the internet to find people, but…
I was watching some tv tonight and those stupid commercials with Dr. Phil on Match.com came on, soo I thought I’d check it out and see what there is out there. Yes, on Match.com.
And holy crap, what are most of these girls thinking?!? I was just floored by how many of them had pictures of their pets online. I mean why? Why would I need to or want to see pictures of your pets to know if I want to date you? And some of the pictures. One would think that these people would put their best picture online. If some of those pics are the best they can do, I’d hate to see them on a bad day. And how many 24 year old girls with two kids are their in Lancaster. Then there are the one’s that make them sound like they are better than everyone else who’s looking for love online. “I can’t believe I’m doing this..”, “I never thought I’d be doing this…” or “I’m really a loser, but I’m just trying not to admit it…” No one actually said that.
There are some people that it actually find someone online, but I don’t know. Even the one’s that sounded interesting, which were few and far between, it just seemed like a shopping list or they all had an agenda. I guess I’m just not there….
Oh, just found another good one. I found a girl that put pictures of her car. Nice!
Ok, have to stop this. I just found one where the the girl that has pictures of hockey players. I mean seriously, why?