“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten”
Anna Wintour
I came across this quote this morning and hit home with me. I’ve recently been working on a new project and I’ve been faced with a lot of people not understanding what I’m doing.
The project is working with investors to help them invest in profitable online businesses. The challenge is this is a more abstract investment type. I’ve spoken with a lot private equity people, private investors, angel investors and they can’t wrap their heads around the idea. It’s just too abstract for them.

If the Majority of People Don’t Understand You, You Just Might Be On to Something
The reason the quote caught my attention is because the fact that so many “investors” don’t understand the idea of investing in online businesses, makes me believe that I’m on to something. I know it is not a new concept but it is still not mainstream. That means for those of us that are getting into it now, we still, have a chance to get in at an early stage. That bodes well for the future. 🙂